October 8, 2010

The List of All Things Fall (for my october/november life)

oregon rainy fall delight
The cool in the air and the damp earth smell makes me happy.  I am a list maker to no-end.  I make lists about the lists that I want to make.  So here is my list for all things autumn-y:

Pumpkin pie latte (done 5x and counting)
one Harvest/christianized Halloween party for the 10.5 year old bunch: costumes, creepy spiderweb decorations, treats in the shapes of eyeballs and rotten apple bunch
one Halloween costume shopped for and determined for daughter
one Halloween costume for self (still undecided on the pirate-maid vs cleopatra debate)
one adult fall-ish event 
pumpkin carving event
walk through the leaves
press leaves in books to be opened in surprise at some point
family photo shoot for christmas photo. Yes. Must happen.
pumpkin farm visit--with corn maze. (done).
decorate the house for fall (in process)
apples and applecider at orchard
hike to see waterfall(s)
celebrate clint's 39th birthday. woohooo! oct. 16th
evening with the skull and bones society (i would tell you, but then i would have to kill you)
write one poem about fall.  hmmmmm..... that would entail reflecting upon copious amounts of mary oliver for inspiration

lovely fall. 
that may be the first line of my poem.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm... I best start making my list. I'm afraid that fall will just "happen by" if I don't embrace it with a bit of intention. Time to pull out Reflection of a Running Nun! Yes, I love fall! Thanks for the reminder!


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